Legislación Informática de Islas Cook
Constitution of the Cook Islands. Constitution Amendment nº 9 Act 1980-81, nº 10 1981-82, nº 11 1982, nº 12 1986, nº 13 1992, nº 14 1991, nº 15 1993, nº 16 1993.94, nº 17 1994-95, nº 18 1995-96, nº 19 1995-96, nº 20 1997, nº 21 1997, nº 22 1997, nº 23 1999, nº 24 2001, nº 25 2002, nº 26 2003, nº 27 2003, nº 28 2004.
Crimes Act 1969. Amendment Act 1970, Amendment Act 1972, Amendment Act 1973, Amendment Act 1977, Amendement Act 1986, Amendmente Act 1994-95, Amendment Act 2003, Amendment Act 2004.
Telecommunications Act 1989. Amendment Act 1991, Amendment Act 1992, Amendment Act 1997.
Official Information Act, adopted February 2008.
pam Act 2008. Act nº 1, 14 February 2008.
Official Information Act 2008 («the principal Act»). Act nº 2, 18 February 2008.
Official Information Amendment Act 2009. 10 February 2009.