We, the People of the Republic of Belarus, emanating from the responsibility for the present and future of Belarus;  recognizing ourselves as a subject, with full rights, of the world community and confirming our adherence to values common to all mankind;
founding ourselves on our inalienable right to self-determination; supported by the centuries-long history of development of Belarusian statehood; striving to assert the rights and freedoms of every citizen of the Republic of Belarus; desiring to maintain civic harmony, stable foundations of democracy, and a state based on the rule of law; hereby adopt this Constitution as the Basic Law of the Republic of Belarus


Article 8. International Law
1. The Republic of Belarus shall recognize the supremacy of the universally acknowledged principles of international law and ensure that its laws comply with such principles.
2. The conclusion of international agreements that are contrary to the Constitution shall not be permitted.


Article 21. Protection of Rights and Liberties
Safeguarding the rights and liberties of citizens of the Republic of Belarus shall be supreme goal of the State. The State shall guarantee the rights and liberties of the citizens of Belarus that are enshrined in the Constitution and the laws, and specified in the State's international obligations

Article 25. Personal Liberty, Dignity
1. The State shall safeguard personal liberty, inviolability, and dignity. The restriction or denial of personal liberty is possible in the instances and under the procedure specified in law.
2. A person who has been taken into custody shall be entitled to a judicial investigation into the legality of his detention or arrest.
3. No one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman, or undignified treatment or punishment, or be subjected to medical or other experiments without his consent.

Article 28. Privacy, Secrety of Communication
Everyone shall be entitled to protection against unlawful interference with his private life, including encroachments on the privacy of his correspondence and telephone and other communications, and on his honor and dignity.

Article 29. Home
The inviolability of the home and other legitimate property of citizens shall be guaranteed. No one shall have the right, without just cause, enter the dwelling and other lawful property of a citizen against his will.

Article 60. Protection of Rights, Official Liability
1. State bodies as well as official and other persons that are entrusted with the discharge of state functions shall, within the limits of their competence, take measures necessary for the exercise and protection of personal rights and liberties.
2. These bodies and persons shall be held liable for actions that violate personal rights and liberties.

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