We, the Members of the Seventh Grand National Assembly, guided by our desire to express the will of the people of Bulgaria, by pledging our loyalty to the universal human values of liberty, peace, humanism, equality, justice and tolerance; by elevating as the uppermost principle the rights, dignity and security of the individual; in awareness of our irrevocable duty to guard the national and state integrity of Bulgaria, hereby promulgate our resolve to create a democratic, law-governed and social state, by establishing this Constitution


Article 4. Rule of Law, Human Rights
1. The Republic of Bulgaria is a law-governed state. It is governed by the Constitution and the laws of the country.
2. The Republic of Bulgaria shall guarantee the life, dignity, and rights of the individual and shall create conditions conducive to the free development of the individual and the civil society.

Article 6. Human Dignity, Freedom, Equality
1. All persons are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
2. All citizens shall be equal before the law. There shall be no privileges or restriction of rights on the grounds of race, nationality, ethnic self-identity, sex, origin, religion, education, opinion, political affiliation, personal or social status, or property status.


Article 30. Personal Freedom and Integrity, Defence
1. Everyone is entitled to personal freedom and inviolability.
2. No one shall be detained or subjected to inspection, search or any other infringement of his personal inviolability except on the conditions and in a manner established by law.
3. The state authorities shall be free to detain a citizen only in the urgent circumstances expressly stipulated by law, and shall immediately advise the judicial authorities accordingly. The judicial authorities shall rule on the legality of a detention within the next 24 hours.
4. Everyone is entitled to legal counsel from the moment of detention or from the moment of being charged.
5. Everyone is entitled to meet his legal counsel in private. The confidentiality of such communication shall be inviolable.

Article 32. Privacy
1. The privacy of citizens is inviolable. Everyone is entitled to protection against any illegal interference in his private or family affairs and against encroachments on his honor, dignity, and reputation.
2. No one shall be followed, photographed, filmed, recorded, or subjected to any other similar activity without his knowledge or despite his express disapproval, except when such actions are permitted by law.

Article 33. Home
1. The home is inviolable. No one shall enter or stay inside a home without its occupant's consent, except in the cases expressly stipulated by law.
2. Entering a home or staying inside without the consent of its occupant or without the judicial authorities' permission shall be allowed only for the purposes of preventing an immediately impending crime or a crime in progress, for the capture of a criminal, or in extreme necessity.

Article 34. Confidential Communication
1. The freedom and confidentiality of correspondence and all other communications is inviolable.
2. Exceptions to this provision shall be allowed only with the permission of the judicial authorities for the purpose of discovering or preventing a grave crime.

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