Legislacion Informatica de Suecia. DIFS 1998:3. Data Inspection Board Regulation providing an exemption from the prohibition preventing entities other than official authorities from processing personal data relating to offences etc. adopted on 8 September

DIFS 1998:3. Data Inspection Board Regulation providing an exemption from the prohibition preventing entities other than official authorities from processing personal data relating to offences etc. adopted on 8 September 1998.

The Data Inspection Board provides (1) as follows pursuant to section 8 of the Personal Data Ordinance (1998:1191).

Section 1 Notwithstanding the prohibition laid down in section 21 of the Personal Data Act (1998:204), such personal data may be processed where:

(a) processing is essential for compliance with regulations in the social services sector;

(b) processing relates to data in notes made in connection with pupil welfare services in independent schools or with corresponding services offered by private higher education providers;

(c) processing is necessary in order to avoid conflict of interest in connection with the activities of lawyers or with other legal activities;

(d) processing relates only to a single item of information that is necessary to make it possible to determine, enforce or defend claims in individual cases; or

(e) processing relates only to a single item of information that is necessary for compliance with a statutory notification requirement.


This statute shall enter into force on 24 October 1998.


Ulf Widebäck


(1) Cf. Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (OJ L 281 , 23.11.1995, p. 31, Celex 395L0046).

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