CONSTITUTION  11.11.1962

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, We, Abdullah al-Salim al-Sabah,
Amir of the State of Kuwait, desiring to use the means of democratic rule for our dear Country; and, having faith in the role of this Country in furthering Arab nationalism and the promotion of world peace and human civilisation; and, striving towards a better future in which the Country enjoys greater prosperity and higher international standing, and in which also the citizens are provided with more political freedom, equality, and social justice, a future which upholds the traditions inherent in the Arab nation by enhancing the dignity of the individual, safeguarding public interest, and applying consultative rule yet maintaining the unity and stability of the Country; and, I having considered Law Number I of 1962 concerning the system of Goverument during the period of transition; and, upon the resolution of the Constituent Assembly; do hereby approve this Constitution and promulgate it


Article 29 Equality, Human Dignity, Personal Liberty
1. All people are equal in human dignity and in public rights and duties before the law, without distinction to race, origin, language, or religion.
2.  Personal liberty is guaranteed.

Article 38 Home
Places of residence shall be inviolable. They may not be entered without the permission of their occupants except in the circumstances and manner specified by law.

Article 39 Freedom and Secrety of Communication
Freedom of communication by post, telegraph, and telephone and the secrecy thereof is guaranteed; accordingly, censorship of communications and disclosure of their contents are not permitted except in the circumstances and manner specified by law.

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