Data Protection Act de 12 de julio de 1984. The Data Protection Act  1.984, Guideline nº 1. An Introduction and Guide to the Act, The Data Protection Registrar, Wilmslow, febrero, 1985

Órganos de control.- El Registrar.- que debe llevar el registro y control de los bandos de datos personales, emitir líneas directrices de comportamiento y recibir las quejas

                             .- El Data Protection Tribunal.- compuesto por 31 miembros que es la instancia de apelación de las decisiones del Registrar.

Data Protection Acta 1984, Notes to help you apply for Registration, The Data Protection Registrar, Wilmslow, septiembre 1985.

Data Protection Act 1984, Guideline 1. Introduction to the Act, The Data Protection Registrar, Wilmslow, marzo 1987

Data Protection Act 1984, Guideline 2. The Definitions, The Data Protection Registrar, Wilmslow, 1987.

Data Protection Act 1984, Guideline 3. The Register and Registration, The Data Protection Registrar, Wilmslow, marzo 1987.

Data Protection Act 1984, Guideline 4. The Data Protection Principles, The Data Protection Registrar, Wilmslow, marzo 1987.

Data Protection Act 1984, Guideline 5. Individual Rights, The Data Protection Registrar, Wilmslow, marzo 1987.

Data Protection Act 1984, Guideline 6. The Exemptions, The Data Protection Registrar, Wilmslow, marzo 1987.

Data Protection Act 1984, Guideline 7. Enforcement and  Appeals, The Data Protection Registrar, Wilmslow, marzo 1987.

Data Protection Acta 1984, Guideline 8. Summary for Computer Bureaux, The Data Protection Registrar, Wilmslow, marzo 1987.

            The Data Protection Act 1984 consta de 43 secciones y 5 partes.

PART  I Preliminary.-            Section 1.- Definition of «data» and related expressiones.

                                               Section 2.- The data protection principles

                                               Section 3.- The Registrar and the Tribunal

PART  II Registration and Supervision of data users and computer bureaux

Registration                            Section 4.- Registration of data users and computer bureaux

                                               Section 5.- Prohibition of unregistered holding etc. of personal data.

                                               Section 6.- Applications for registration and for amendment                                                 of  registered  particular.                        

                                              Section 7.- Duration and renewal of registration.

                                              Section 8.- Duration and renewal of registration

                                              Section 9.- Inspection etc. of registered particulars.

Supersvision                           Section 10.- Enforcement notices

                                              Section 11.- De-registration notices

                                              Section 12.- Transfer prohibition notices

Appeals                                 Section 13.- Rights of appeal

                                              Section 14.- Determination of appeals.

Miscellaneous and supplementary

                                              Section 15.- Unauthorised disclosure by computer bureau

                                              Section 16.- Powers of entry and inspection

                                              Section 17.- Disclosure of information

                                              Section 18.- Service of notices.

                                              Section 19.- Prosecutions and penalties

                                              Section 20.- Liability of directors etc.

PART III Rights of Data Subjects

                                              Section 21.- Right of access to personal data              

                                              Section 22.- Compensation for inaccuracy 

                                              Section 23.- Compensation for loss or unauthorised disclosure        

                                              Section 24.- Rectification and erasure

                                              Section 25.- Jurisdiction and procedure

PART IV Exemptions

                                              Section 26.- Preliminary

                                              Section 27.- National security

                                              Section 28.- Crime and taxation

                                              Section 29.- Health and social work

                                              Section 30.- Regulation of financial services etc.

                                              Section 31.- Judicial appointments and legal professional privilege

                                              Section 32.- Payrolls and accounts

                                              Section 33.- Domestic or other limited purposes

                                              Section 34.- Other exemptions

                                              Section 35.- Examination marks

PART V General                   Section 36.- General duties of Registrar

                                              Section 37.- Co-operation between parties to Convention

                                              Section 38.- Application to government departments and police

                                              Section 39.- Data held, and services privided, outside the United                                                      Kingdom

                                              Section 40.- Regulations, rules and orders.

                                              Section 41.- General interpretation

                                              Section 42.- Commencement and transitional provisions

                                              Section 43.- Short title and extent.


                        1.- The data protection principles

                        2.- The Data Protection Registrar and the Data Protection Tribunal

                        3.- Appeal proceedings

                        4.- Powers of entry and inspection.

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