Work programme for the year 2003

Work programme for the year 2003. Adopted on 25 february 2003 (MARKT 12054/02/EN WP 71)

Work Programme for the Year 2003 .Adopted on 25 February 2003 WP 71

1. Binding corporate rules

2. Standard contractual clauses submitted by business associations

3. Internet Task Force(1)


Copyright enforcement issues

Whois directories

Privacy Enhancing Technologies and Identity management (follow-up RAPID project)

Follow-up P3P

Follow-up to the opinion on IPv6

Software-related issues

(1) Please note that it is not necessarily the intention to produce papers on each of the items mentioned for the Internet Task Force, some of the issues might be interesting to follow up and to report to the plenary through the internal reports of the Internet Task Force, but might not need immediate action of the Art. 29 Working Party as a whole.


4. Community Codes of conduct




5. Towards a more uniform application and interpretation of the Directive -Follow-up of the 1st report on the implementation of the Directive Simplification of the notification procedure

Information to data subjects (Art.10 and 11) and privacy policies

Simplification of international transfers

Implementation and control : in particular complaint handling and followup to the Dutch questionnaire on transborder data flows

Finality principle

6. Third Countries adequacy:

Guernsey, possibly followed by Isle of Man


US (transfers from airlines to public authorities)

7. Regular update on the situation and new developments concerning the implementation of the Safe Harbor agreement

8. Evaluation and initiatives of the Working Party concerning the Commission’s proposals in respect of publicly available data consumer credit and possibly employer – employee relationships

9. 6th Annual Report 2001

7th Annual Report 2002

10. E-government

11. Follow-up to the opt-in for unsolicited e-mail and other issues arising from transposition of directive 2002/58

12. Genetic data

13. Biometrics

14. Total Information Awareness

15. Follow-up of data protection in Justice and Home affairs issues

Eurojust/Europol/Schengen (esp. SIS II)

Visa Information System

New developments in the area of security measures

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