Legislación Informática de República Helénica
Constitution 11 June 1975 (Inglés).
Law. Law 2075/1992. First Telecomunications Law.
Copyright Law. Law nº 2121/1993 as last amended by Law nº 2435 of August 2, 1996; Law nº 3057/2002 (article 81) and by Law 3207/2003 (article 10 par. 33).
Law 2246/1994.- Organization and operation of the sector of telecommunications. Second Telecomunications Law.
Law 2328/1995. Copyright (Radio & Tv)
Law 2472/1997 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data (as amended by Law 2819/2000, Official Gazette 84 A 15.03.2000; Law 2915/2001, Official Gazette 109 A 19.05.2001; Law 3783/2009 and 3197/2011). Ley de Protección de Datos número 2472/1997, de «protección de las personas con respecto al tratamiento de carácter personal», aprobado el 10 de abril de 1997, y publicada en la Gaceta del 24 de 1997. Modificada por leyes 2819/2000, 2915/2001, 3783/2009 y 3197/2011.
Law 2774/1999. Protection of personal data in the sector of telecommunications.
Ley núm. 2690, de 9 de marzo de 1999, de ratificación del Código de procedimiento administrativo y otras previsiones, prevé la posibilidad de que los interesados puedan, en los plazos previstos, presentar los formularios u otros documentos mediante mecanismos mecánicos.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 109, 31.3.1999
Teiresias I
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 523, 19.10.1999
Teiresias II
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 050, 20.01.2000
Terms for the lawful processing of personal data as regards the purposes of direct marketing/advertising and the ascertainment of creditworthiness.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 100, 31.1.2000
Decision on TV programm.
Law 2819/2000 (Official Gazette 84 A 15.03.2000) (Amended Law 2472/1997 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data).
Law 2867/2000 Organization and operation of telecommunications and other regulations. The Liberalisation Law.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 245/9, 20.03.2000
Identification through taking fingerprints.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 510/17, 15.05.2000
Identity cards.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 523/18, 25.5.2000
Directive on the conditions for the lawful processing of personal data of mothers in maternity hospitals for the purposes of direct marketing or advertising .
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 637/18, 21.6.2000
On Call Management Systems.
Directive on Closed Circuit Television System. Ref. nº 1122, 26.09.2000.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 1469, 13.11.2000
On the collection of data from mobile telephony companies.
Opinion Data Protection Authority nº 15/2001, Prot. nº 401, 15.02.2001
DNA analysis for the purpose of criminal investigation and penal prosecution.
Presidential Decree 150 of 13 June 2001 on the Adaptation of Greek Legislation to Directive 1999/93 of the European Parlaiment and of the Council on a Community Framework for Electronic Signatures, FEK A 125 of 25 June 2001.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 1346, 03.07.01
Law 2915/2001. (Official Gazette 109 A 19.05.2001) (Amended Law 2472/1997 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data).
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 55, 16.9.2001
Processing of personal data by Financial Institution via videophone.
Directive Data Protection Authority nº 115/2001, Prot. nº 1830, 20.9.2001
Extract from the Directive on Workers’ File.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 120/2001, 05.10.2001
Processing of Personal Data for the purpose of offering mobile card-phone services.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 134, 31.10.2001
Religion on Certificates.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 147, 27.11.2001
On the Use of Documents in Court.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 150, 11.12.2001
On the use of personal data for marketing reasons from hospitals.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 67, 12.6.2002
Personal data on Police Press releases.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 77a, Ref. nº 1143A, 25.6.2002
Religion on Graduate Certificates.
Acte législatif nº 3057/2002 FEK A nº 239 du 10.10.2002. Law 3057/2002. Implementation of the Directive 2001/29 EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society and other provisions. (Official Gazette A 239/10 October 2002).
Decision nº 268/73, Regulation on Managemen and Assignment of .gr Domain Names, 25.11.2002.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 94, 4.12.2002
Keeping and owning a personal diary does not constitute a personal data file.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 95/2002, Reg. nº 1978, 4.12.2002
Photographic depiction of a patients face in a medical book.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 99, 31.12.2002
Medical Expert report as a necessary document for the settlement of the medical experts’s pay-off.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 9, Ref. nº 384, 31.03.2003
Biometric technology in Athens Metro high-risk installations.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 2, 7.10.2003
Latin Transcription of the names of people to appear on identity cards and passports
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 52, 05.11.2003
Biometric data in International Athens Airport
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 62/2003, Ref. nº 2888, 12.12.2003
On Teiresias Ltd and Credit and Guarantee Insurance Companies.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 51/2004, Ref. nº 1993, 7.9.2004
Processing of personal data for the purpose of offering mobile card-phone services.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 54/2004, Reg. nº 2316, 6.10.2004
Insurance companies and consent of the insurees to the processing of sensitive health data.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 61/2004, Reg. nº 2666, 17.11.2004
Access of the employer to the personal computers of company employees.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nºDecision 63/2004, Ref. nº 2724, 24.11.2004 CCTV cameras on the Attica road network.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 4/2005, Ref. nº 204, 31.1.2005
Non satisfaction of right to access to the source of information of personal data
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 34/2005, Reg. nº 1687, 12.5.2005
Disclosure of the findings of the inspection concerning the trading of the Members of Parliament in the Stock Exchange.
Decision Data Protection Authority Prot. nº 58/2005, Ref. nº 3092, 12.8.2005
Traffic Management Cameras.
Directive 1/2005 Data Protection Authority, Ref. Num. 3845, 17.10.2005
Directive for the secure destruction of personal data after the end of the period that is required for the accomplishment of the processing purpose.
Law 3431/2006 on Electronic Comunications. ‘Περί Ηλεκτρονικών Επικοινωνιών και Άλλες ∆ιατάξεις 3431/2006’.
Law 3471/2006, June 27, 2006. Protection of personal data and privacy in the electronic telecommunications sector and amendment of law 2472/1997.
Decisión nº 390/3, June 13, 2006. Regulation on General Authorizations. The National Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT).
Decisión nº 592/012, 3.2.2011. Regulation on Management and Assignment of (.gr) Domain Names.
NOMOΣ ΥΠ’ ΑΡΙΘΜ. 4624. Αρχή Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα, μέτρα εφαρμογής του Κανονισμού (ΕΕ) 2016/679 του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου της 27ης Απριλίου 2016 για την προστασία των φυσικών προσώπων έναντι της επεξεργασίας δεδομένων προσωπικού χαρακτήρα και ενσωμάτωση στην εθνική νομοθεσία της
Οδηγίας (ΕΕ) 2016/680 του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου της 27ης Απριλίου 2016 και άλλες διατάξεις. Law 4624/2019 enacts supplemental measures for the application of the General Data
Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and incorporates Directive (ΕU) 2016/680. Nueva Ley griega sobre la protección de las personas físicas con respecto al tratamiento de datos personales y sobre la libre circulación de dichos datos y la transposición a la legislación griega de la Directiva (UE) 2016/680