Legislación Informática de la República de Serbia

Law on free access to information of Public Importance 2003. (Amended 2009 Official Gazette of the Republic of Servia number 104/2009).


Telecommunications Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 44/03 and 36/06)


Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance («Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia» nos. 120/2004, 54/2007, 104/2009 i 36/2010)


Law on Copyright and Related Rights, as entered into force on 1 september 2005.


Constitution of the Republic of Serbia 2006.


Law on Personal Data Protection 2008 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 97/2008). Law on protection of personal data (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, nos. 97/2008, 104/2009, 68/2012 and Decisión of the Constitutional Court 107/2012)


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