Legislación Informática de República de Sudáfrica
Protection of Information Act 84 of 3 june 1982 (Amended by Act 38 of 1994, Act 18 of 1996, Act 65 of 2002, Act 68 of 2002 and Act 52 of 2003).
National Archives of South Africa Act 1996 (Act nº 43 of 1996).
Copyright Act 98 of 1978 (Assented to 20 june 1978) (Amended by : Copyright Amendment Act 56 of 1980; Copyright Amendement Act 66 of 1983; Copyright Amendment Act 55 of 1984; Copyright Amendment Act 39 of 1986; Copyright Amendment Act 13 of 1988; Copyright Amendment Act 61 of 1989; Copyright Amendment Act 125 of 1992); Copyright Amendment Act 1992). Amendment Act 28 of 2013;Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act 2013.
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 8 may 1996.
Promotion of Access to Information Act 2/2000 (Gazette nº 20852 of 3 february 2000).
Electronic Communications and Transactions («ECT») Act 25 of 2002. Act 25 of 2002 (GoN 1046, G. 23708), Proc. R68, G. 23809. Act 68 of 2008 (GoN 526, G. 32186, c.i.o 31 March 2011 [GoN 917, G. 33581]).
Promotion of Access to Information Act 54 of 2002
Electronic Communications Act, 2005
Electronic Communications Amendement Act 37 of 2007
Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008
Act nº 4 of 2013, The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA)
Act. nº 28 of 2013, Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act 2013. (Government Gazette, Vol. 582, Cape Town, 10 december 2013, nº 37148)
Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill Republic of South Africa (Published in Government Gazette nº 40487 of 9 December 2016)
Copyright Amendment Bill B13-2017