Legislación Informática de la República de Turquía

Turkey Republic

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti



5846 sayili Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu (son ile degistirilen 23 Ocak 2008 Tarihli ve 5728 Sayili Kanunla). Law nº 5846 of December 5, 1951 on Intellectual and Artistic Works (Amended by: Law nº 2936 of 1.11.1983; Law nº 4110 of 7.6.1995; Law nº 4630 of 21.2.2001; Law nº 5101 of 3.3.2004; Law nº 5217 of 14.7.2004; Law nº 5571 of 28.12.2006; Law nº 5728 of 23.01.2008).


Constitutión 1982. (Art. 20 Privacidad y art. 22 Libertad de Comunicación). Modificada en 1995 y 2001. Last Amendment May 10th, 2007.


Law nº 4982 on the Right to Information 09/10/2003.


Electronic Signature Law 2004 (Official Gazette nº 25355, dated 23 January 2004)


Circular 2004/12 Issued by The Prime Ministry. The exercise of the right of petition and access to information. (Official Gazette nº 25356, dated 24th January 2004 Saturday).


Law nº 5187 . Press Law. Approval Date: 9.6.2004. (Official Gazette nº 25504 dated 26 June 2004).


Law nº 5237. Criminal Code. Passed On 26.09.2004 (Official Gazette nº 25611 dated 12 October 2004).


5651 sayili Internet Ortaminda Yapilan Yayinlarin Düzenlenmesi ve Bu Yaynlar Yoluyla Islenen Suçlarla Mücadele Edilmesi Hakkinda Kanun. 04/05/2007. Law nº 5651 on Regulating Broadcasting in the Internet and Fighting Against Crimes Committed through Internet Broadcasting, dated 4 May 2007.


Internet Toplu Kullanim Saglayicilari Hakkinda Yönetmelik  01/11/2007. Regulation on Internet Public Use Providers. November 1, 2007


Law nº 5809 Electronic Communications Law  5/11/2008.


6112 Sayili Radyo ve Televizyonlarin Kurulus ve Yayin Hizmetleri Hakkinda Kanun. Law nº 6112 of February 15, 2011 on the Establishment of Radio and Television Enterprises and their Media Services.


Law nº 6518, adopted on 6 February 2014, modifies Law nº 5651 on the Regulation pertaining to online disclosure and the fight against offences committed via Internet disclosure (the “Internet Law”).

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