Legislación Informática de República de Zimbabue

Copyright Act (Cap. 26:1).  Date of commencement: 1 January 1967.


Official Secrets Act, february 27, 1970 (amended at December 31, 2004).


Constitution of Zimbabwe was published as a Schedule to the Zimbabwe Constitution Order 1979 (S.I. 1979/1600 of the United Kingdom). (Has been amended by the following Acts: Amendment (nº 1) Act, 1981. Amendment (nº 2) Act, 1981. Amendment (nº 3) Act, 1983. Amendment (nº 4) Act, 1984. Amendment (nº 5) Act, 1985. Amendment (nº 6) Act, 1987. Amendment (nº 7) Act, 1987. Amendment (nº 8) Act, 1989. Amendment (nº 9) Act, 1989. Amendment (nº 10) Act, 1990. Amendment (nº 11) Act, 1990. Amendment (nº 12) Act, 1993. Amendment (nº 13) Act, 1993 . Amendment (nº 14) Act, 1996. Amendment (nº 15) Act, 1998. Amendment (nº 16) Act, 2000. Amendment (nº 17) Act, 2005. Amendment (nº 18) Act, 2007). Act Nº 11 of 2007 To amend the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Published in a Government Gazette Extraordinary on 30th October, 2007. Commencement: 30th October 2007.


Postal and Telecommunications Act. Act 4/2000, 3/2001 (s. 48), 22/2001 (s. 4), 14/2002 (s. 18), 6/2005 (s. 19).


Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act (Chapter 26:05) Act Nº 11/2000, 22/2001 (s. 4), 32/2004.


Acts Nº 5/2002, 5/2003 Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA), June 11, 2003. Amendment Act, 2004, 2007. Act Nº 21 of 2004. Access to information and Protection of Privacy amendment ACT, 2004. Act Nº 20 of 2007. Access to information and Protection of Privacy amendment ACT, 2007


Act Nº 6 of 2007. Interceptati on of Communications Act  [Chapter 11:20] Gazetted: Friday 3rd August, 2007. Commencement: Friday 3rd August, 2007.


Act Nº 11 of 2007 To amend the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Published in a Government Gazette Extraordinary on 30th October, 2007. Commencement: 30th October 2007.


Act Nº 20 of 2007. Access to information and Protection of Privacy amendment ACT, 2007

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