Hong Kong, 6 January 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Toronto, Ontario, Canada, January 15, 2014. Breakfast with the OPC, hosted by the Ontario Bar Association, Valerie Silva, Senior Advisor, Toronto Regional Office.


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, January 16, 2014. Smart Shops, organized by the Human Resources Council, Melanie Millar-Chapman, Manager, Strategic Research, Legal Services, Policy and Research Branch. Sofia Scichilone, Manager, Investigations, Privacy Act Investigations Branch.


Barcelona, España, 16 de enero de 2014. Jornada : El derecho al olvido en Europa. Organizado por la Autoridad Catalana de Protección de Datos.


Valencia, España, 17 y 18 de enero de 2014. Informática Forense y Delitos Informáticos.


Honolulu, Hawai, USA, 19-22 January 2014. PTC, 14 New World, New Strategies.


Toronto, Ontario, Canada, January 21, 2014. 20th Annual Advertising and Marketing Law Conference, organized by the Canadian Institute, Chantal Bernier, Interim Privacy Commissioner of Canada


Baden, Schweiz, 21. Januar 2014. Datenschutz in einem Spielkasino.


Hong Kong, 22 January 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Brussels, Belgium, 22-24 January 2014. 7th International Conference. Computers, Privacy & Data Protection. Reforming Data Protection: The Global Perspective.


Copenhague, Dinamarca ,28. januar 2014 Konferenceprogrammet for Databeskyttelsesdagen 2014, tirsdag i Fællessalen på Christiansborg Slot.


Oslo, Norge28. Januar 2014. Frokostseminar : Personvern – tilstand og trender


Riga, Latvija, 28.janvari 2014. Eiropas datu aizsardzibas diena.


Vilniuje , Lietuva, 2014.01.29. Duomenu apsaugos dienai skirta konferencija Seime.


Vilniuje , Lietuva, 2014.01.30. Konferencia «Duomenu Apsauga 2014 M.:Naujoves, Aktualijos, Prolematika».


Washington, DC, USA, February 4, 2014. Follow-On Biologics Workshop: Impact of Recent Legislative and Regulatory Naming Proposals on Competition.


Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, February 5-7, 2014. 15th Annual Privacy and Security Conference, hosted by Reboot Communications,
Daniel Caron, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Policy and Research Branch
Jennifer Rees-Jones, Senior Investigator, PIPEDA Investigations Branch
Gillian Kular, Senior Investigator, PIPEDA Investigations Branch
Jennifer Seligy, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Policy and Research Branch


Toronto, Ontario, Canada, February 6, 2014. Institute 2014, hosted by the Ontario Bar Association, Regan Morris, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Policy and Research Branch.


Mexico DF., Mexico, 6 de febrero de 2014. Aviso de privacidad y Protección de Datos Personales para RH.


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, February 7, 2014. Kiwanis Club of Ottawa lunch event, Sarah Speevak, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Policy and Research Branch.


Riga, Latvija, 2014.gada 7.februari. Seminars para personas datu aizsardzibu.


Hong Kong, 11 February 2014. International Conference on Privacy Protection in Corporate Governance.


Hong Kong, 12 February 2014. Professional Workshop on Privacy Impact Assessment.


North Bay, Ontario, Canada, February 12, 2014. Annual Integrated Law Enforcement and Private Sector Fraud Workshop, organized by the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC), Christopher Prince, Policy Analyst, Legal Services, Policy and Research Branch.


Hong Kong, 13 February 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Kingston, Ontario, Canada, February 17, 2014. AFCEA Information Technology Security course, organized by AFCEA. Steven Johnston, Senior Security and Technology Advisor, Technology Analysis Branch.


Hong Kong, 19 February 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, February 19, 2014. Data Privacy Day Event, hosted by Dalhousie University, Chantal Bernier, Interim Privacy Commissioner of Canada.


Washington DC, USA, February 19, 2014. Spring Privacy Series: Mobile Device Tracking.


Navarra, Pamplona, España, 19 y 20 de febrero de 2014. XI Foro de Seguridad y Protección de Datos de Salud.


Auckland, New Zealand, 20 February 2014. An Introduction to the Privacy Act.


Madrid, España, 21 de febrero de 2014. Primer Congreso Internacional de Derecho Digital.


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, February 27, 2014. Ottawa Law Review Symposium hosted by the University of Ottawa, Patricia Kosseim, Director General, Legal Services, Policy and Research Branch.


Barbados, March 3-7, 2014. Financial Criptography and Data Security 2014.


Hong Kong, 4 March 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Toronto, Ontario, Canada, March 4, 2014. Big Data World Conference 2014, organized by Terrapinn Inc., Lorne MacDougall, Director, Toronto Regional Office.


Braga, Portugal. 5 de março de 2014. Conferencia Interactiva Human Rights on Internet. (Direitos Humanos na Internet).


Washington, DC, March 5-7, 2014. IAPP Summit, hosted by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), Chantal Bernier, Interim Privacy Commissioner of Canada.


Buenos Aires, Argentina, 6 de marzo de 2014. Taller extraordinario sobre Notificación Electrónica. Organizado por la Asociación de Abogados de Buenos Aires.


Madrid, España, 6-8 de marzo 2014. Rooted CON 2014

Buenos Aires, Argentina, 11 de marzo de 2014. Video conferencia en vivo no arancelada, en la que se presentará el curso de Posgrado a distancia en NTIC aplicadas a la Resolución de Conflictos (ODR) que dicta la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero.


Madrid, España, 11-12 marzo de 2014. XVI Congreso Nacional de Informática Médica. INFORMED 2014.


Madrid, España, 11-13 marzo de 2014. XVII Congreso Nacional de Informática de la Salud. Congreso: Infosalud 2014.


Oslo, Norge, 17. Mars 2014. Grunnkurs for personvernombud.


Hong Kong, 18 March 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Oslo, Norge, 18. Mars 2014. Juridisk fordypning I


Stockholm, Sverige, 18 mars 2014, Allmän kurs i personuppgiftslagen


Stockholm, Sverige, 18-19 mars 2014, Grundkurs för personuppgiftsombud


Washington, DC, USA, March 19, 2014. Spring Privacy Series: Alternative Scoring Products.


Wellington, New Zealand. 19 March 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Auckland, New Zealand. 20 March 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Salamanca, España, 20 y 21 de marzo de 2014. III Congreso Fodertics (Forum de expertos y jóvenes investigadores en Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías, Universidad de Salamanca.


Christchurch, New Zealand. 21 March 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Bogota, Colombia, 27 de marzo de 2014. Seminario Protección Preventiva al Consumidor en el Comercio Electrónico.


Ottawa, Ontaario, Canada, March 28, 2014. eGirls eCitizens Public Forum, hosted by University of Ottawa, Daphne Guerrero, Public Education and Outreach Manager, Communications Branch.


Oslo, Norge, 31. Mars 2014. Fagdag for personvernombud


Oslo, Norge, 1. April 2014. Innføringskurs i informasjonssikkerhet for personvernombud.


Hong Kong, 2 April 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Miami, USA, April 4-5, 2014.We Robot 2014. http://robots.law.miami.edu/2014/


Wiesbaden, Deutschland, 08-10/04/2004. FFD Forum für Datenschutz 2014.


Wellington, New Zealand, 9 April 2014. An Introduction to the Privacy Act.


Stockholm, Sverige, 10 april 2014, Allmän kurs i personuppgiftslagen, med fokus på informationssäkerhet.


Auckland, New Zealand, 10 April 2014. An Introduction to the Privacy Act.


Christchurch, New Zealand, 11 April 2014. An Introduction to the Privacy Act.


Hong Kong, 14 April 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 7-9, 2014. IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium, hosted by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), Chantal Bernier, Interim Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Brent Homan, Director General, PIPEDA Investigations Branch. Anne-Marie Hayden, Director General, Communications Branch. Barbara Bucknell, Acting Director (Policy and Research), Legal Services, Policy and Research Branch. Marjorie Platero, Privacy Impact Assessment Review Officer, Audit and Review Branch. Anne Overton, Senior Audit and Review Officer, Technology Analysis Branch.


Beja, Portugal, 8 de maio 2014. Sim Sic 2014. V Simpósio de Segurança Informática e Cibercrime. Auditorio do Instituto Politécnico de Beja.

Stockholm, Sverige, 14 maj 2014, Allmän kurs i personuppgiftslagen


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 14, 2014. Ottawa Labour Law Conference, hosted by Lancaster House, Kate Wilson, Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Policy and Research Branch.


Stockholm, Sverige, 14-15 maj 2014, Grundkurs för personuppgiftsombud


Granada, España, 15 y 16 de mayo de 2014. I Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Digital: Oportunidades y riesgos para menores y jóvenes.


Hong Kong, 16 May 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Berlín, Deutschland, 2014 21. -22. Mai. Die BvD Datenschutztage 2014.


Wellington, New Zealand. 28 May 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Auckland, New Zealand. 29 May 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Hong Kong, 29 May 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Bogotá, Colombia, 5 de junio de 2014. Seminario El Régimen Jurídico de las Ventas en Línea en Colombia. http://derechoinformatico.co/ai1ec_event/el-regimen-juridico-de-las-ventas-en-linea/?instance_id=


Hong Kong, 13 June 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 22-27 June 2014. 2nd International Conference on Human Aspect of Information Security, Privacy and Trust.


Madrid, España, 24 de Junio de 2014. Jornada sobre Derecho al Olvido en Internet. Organizado por el Consejo General de la Abogacía española. Paseo de Recoletos, Madrid.


Wellington, New Zealand, 25 June 2014. An Introduction to the Privacy Act.


Auckland, New Zealand, 26 June 2014. An Introduction to the Privacy Act.


Hong Kong, 26 June 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


São Paulo , Brasil. 27 de Junho de 2014. Marco Civil da Internet: pontos polêmicos. IASP Instituto dos advogados de São Paulo.


Barcelona, España, 3-4 de julio de 2014. X Congreso Internet, Derecho y Política. Una década de transformaciones. Organizado por la UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).


Lisbon, Portugal, 2014 15-19 July, 8th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2014.


Wellington, New Zealand. 23 July 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Auckland, New Zealand. 24 July 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Wellington, New Zealand, 27 August 2014. An Introduction to the Privacy Act.


Auckland, New Zealand, 28 August 2014. An Introduction to the Privacy Act.


Vienna, Austria, 28-30 August 2014. 5th International Conference on Data Communication Networking.


Vienna, Austria, 29-31 August 2014. 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Aplications.

Christchurch, New Zealand, 29 August 2014. An Introduction to the Privacy Act.


Wellington, New Zealand. 24 September 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Montevideo, Uruguay, 25 de Septiembre 2014. VII Encuentro Nacional de Gobierno Electrónico.


Auckland, New Zealand. 25 September 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Christchurch, New Zealand. 26 September 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Madrid, España, 7 y 8 de octubre de 2014III Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciberseguridad Industrial, 7 y 8 de Octubre, 2014 Hotel Meliá Avda. de América, Madrid (España)


San José de Costa Rica, Costa Rica, 13 al 17 de octubre de 2014. XVIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho e Informática.


Bogotá D.C., Colombia, Jueves 16 de octubre de 2014. El cumplimiento de la normatividad de Habeas Data en el tratamiento de Datos Personales Digitales.


Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 21 al 23 de octubre de 2014. La privacidad en el ámbito de las Tecnologías de la Salud.


Buenos Aires, Argntina, 21-25 Octubre 2014. Fall Meeting. Día 22 Octubre 11:00 am Privacy and Data Protection: Business and Social Media. 2:30 pm Global Distribution of Entertainment Content in the Digital Era: Rights, Action, Roll “em. Día 23 Octubre 11.00 am The Right to be Forgotten in Latin America: Legislation, Cases in Law and Trends 


Wellington, New Zealand, 22 October 2014. An Introduction to the Privacy Act.


Auckland, New Zealand, 23 October 2014. An Introduction to the Privacy Act.


Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil, 27-28 outubro 2014. VIII Congresso de Direito de Autor e Interesse Público (CODAIP).

Barcelona, España, 31 octubre 1 a noviembre 201411a edición congreso NoConName 2014.


Madrid, España, 5 al 6 de noviembre de 2014. Jornadas Técnicas de ISACA Madrid 2014.


Petrópolis, Brasil, 05 a 07 Novembro 2014. Crimes na internet, crimes de odio, privacidade e outros temas.

São Paulo, Brasil, 10, 11 e 12 de novembro 2014. II CONGRESSO DO IASP – Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo. 11 Novembro Painel de Propriedade Intelectual. Das 17:30 às 18:20. 10 Novembro Privacidade, Direito ao Esquecimento e Marco Civil da Internet. Das 19:30 às 21


Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, 12 y 13 de noviembre de 2014. XII Encuentro Iberoamericano de Protección de Datos Personales.

São Paulo, Brasil, Sexta feira, 14 de novembro de 2014, das 10h às 12h. Debate: O regime jurídico dos bancos de dados: da privacidade à autodeterminação informativa.

Valladolid, España, 18 y 19 de noviembre de 2014. XII Reunión Foro de Telemedicina.


Valladolid, España, 19 y 20 de noviembre de 2014. III Reunión de la Plataforma Tecnológica para la Innovación en Salud y Asamblea eVIA, Plataforma de Tecnologías para la Salud, la Vida Activa e Independiente


Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, 20 de novembro de 2014. VII TELECON – 7º Congresso de Direito da Informática e Telecomunicações.

Barcelona, España, 20 de noviembre de 2014. Jornada: Implantación de la privacidad en el diseño de aplicaciones tecnológicas.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Tuesday November 25, 2014. 2014 Regulatory Conference organized by the Canadian Marketing Association.

Hannover, Germany, 25. november 2014-26. november 2014 Gesetzliche Anforderungen, bewährte Hilfsmittel zur Aufgabenerfüllung und Praxisübungen!


Wellington, New Zealand. 26 november 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Franfurt/Main, Germany, 26. november 2014-28. november 2014 Einführung in die Aufgaben des betrieblichen Datenschutzbeauftragten.l


Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 27, 2014. Information Privacy and Data Protection.


São Paulo, Brasil, 26 de novembro 2014. O voto no Brasil. (segurança das urnas eletrônicas) IASP. Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo.


München, Germany, 26. november 2014-27. november 2014. Datenschutz in Betriebsvereinbarungen.


Auckland, New Zealand. 27 november 2014. The Health Information Privacy Code.


Hannover, Germany, 27. november 2014. Kundendatenschutz.


Riga, Latvia, 2014. Gada 28. NovembriSeminars par personas datu aizsardzibu.


St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada,December 1-3, 2014. Access, Privacy, Security and Information Management Conference, organized by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Newfoundland and Labrador.


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, december 3, 2014. IAPP KnowledgeNet organized by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Canada and the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia.


Mainz, Germany, 3. dezember 2014. Internet und E-Mail am Arbeitsplatz.


Hong Kong, China, 3 december 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.


Bogota, Colombia, 3-5 diciembre 2014 Semana del Gobierno Electrónico


Madrid, España, 5 al 7 de diciembre de 2014. Cybercamp 2014.


Ottawa, Ontario, december 8, 2014. Canadian Access and Privacy Association (CAPA) Conference 2014 organized by CAPA.


Mainz, Germany, 9. dezember 2014-10. dezember 2014. Datenschutz im Krankenhaus. 


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, december 10, 2014. ATIP Community Meeting organized by the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS).


Wiesbaden, Germany, 10. dezember 2014-11. dezember 2014. Verfahrensverzeichnis und Vorabkontrolle. Implementierung von Verfahrensverzeichnissen und Vorabkontrollen. 


Madrid, España, 10 al 11 de diciembre de 2014. VIII Jornadas STIC CCN-CERT


Hong Kong, China, 12 december 2014. «Introduction to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance» Seminar.

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